Wanna work outside, with great people, and make your community better?
Wanna work outside, with great people, and make your community better?
We’re looking for someone who loves family and community and values working in a beautiful farm environment with great people. Paradise Acres Family Farm Park in Johnson City is a blossoming business (entering our 5th full year) with enthusiastic customer support. Our purpose is to help families and groups build stronger relationships through shared fun and interaction. We believe we’re all “better together.”
The primary role of the QB (Quarterback) at Paradise Acres is to direct the real-time activities of the team to meet guest needs. While the QB does need to be able to “sit back in the pocket” and scan the scene for needs, the QB will get their hands dirty in day-to-day operations.
Some days will go by slowly and some days will fly by! You’ll know to eat your Wheaties if you see a forecast for sunny skies and 72 degrees in October. There will be a line at the farmhouse window all day. You’ll be talking to stressed birthday parents who arrived late, tracking pizza deliveries, answering phone calls, scheduling worker breaks, keeping an eye on the radar, talking to a youth group leader who brought a busload of kids unannounced, chasing a snake off the mini-golf course, fixing a leaking toilet, calculating and taking group payments, and dealing with a teenage guest who puts a glow ball in their pocket to take home as a souvenir. If you have the right mindset and temperament, even those days will give you energy & you’ll learn to love the bustle. You’ll appreciate the enjoyment of our plentiful guests! (And, remember, crowds of people pay the bills!)
Other days will be a breeze – the guests will come in at a steady and predictable pace, we’ll get a five-star review on Google, your teenage workers will make you cry from laughter or inspire you, you’ll laugh as a child in wide-eyed wonder takes one of our Cotton Candy Clouds from your hand. You’ll actually have the opportunity to soak in the beauty surrounding you & marvel at God’s handiwork: deer will leap across the fields, a hummingbird will flit nearby as you sweep the front porch, the sheer number and variety of flowers & butterflies will fill you with wonder & joy, a warm breeze at sunset will make you feel like you’ve been transported to a resort destination and a double-rainbow will show up over the back hill.
You will work closely with owners Eric and Laressa McCarty and our tight-nit crew.
The QB …
- Enthusiastically interacts with guests and gets the most from the team through positive interaction
- Trains entry level workers
- Is fully knowledgeable of our offerings and answers phone calls, emails, and in-person questions of guests
Directs the farm work and maintenance of the farm and participates in those activities as needed. (You don’t have to be a farmer or have farm experience, though.) - Helps run, add to, and improve the systems and processes documented in The Playbook. We use a lot of checklists!
- Has a nose for cleanliness, order, and detail. The QB will help us maintain our perfect rating from the health department
The compensation rate is $18-$25/hour, depending on qualifications and hours of availability.
This is a part-time role (up to 30 hours per week). Shifts will include evenings and weekends.
The QB will get a Family Paradise Pass ($370 value) to enjoy for a minimum of a full year from the start of employment and as long as the QB is part of the team. All employees get 50% off concessions and produce.
- [REQUIRED] Friendliness – a warm personality and ability to make conversation with strangers
- Some type of customer-facing experience is preferred
- Experience managing teenagers is a plus
- Computer proficiency
- To apply for this position, send a 60-second selfie video to 423.794.7276. Tell us your name, a little about yourself (activities, education, work experience, etc.) and why you’d like to work at Paradise Acres. We AREN’T looking for amazing video quality (lighting, editing, etc.), so don’t stress about that. We just want to see your smiling face, hear your voice, and learn a little about you.
- Fill out the form below.